Re-order on happy birthday cards!

the 'male' ones

And the 'female' ones! sorry about blurry piccies - i was holding the camera out stretched so not to get any shadows from my arms - still havent figured out how to take good photos yet!!
Am off in a minute to take them round! hope they like them!
New dies for my cuttlebug!!!

If you buy dies I would really recommend going on the internet to buy them instead of in the shops - though it is worth shopping about for them - sometimes ebay is not the cheapest! I bought these from an american shop and even with postage it was still cheaper than buying them in a store.......cant wait to try them out!!!
Love love
After having fun with my cuttlebug die of hearts, i decided to make some love cards - havent decided on what to write on them yet but may just go for something simple like 'i love you' or something - that way they are more generic for lots of occassions.....
here they are....

Decided to do the two colour ways so that one is more feminine and one more masculine (yes it is not exactly blokey but more so than pink!) for the receivers different tastes....

I must apologise for the lighting on all these recent card photos - im still yet to figure out how best to light them when taking a photo - if you know of any clever tips, please let me know....thankyou
Some more spring cards...

This shows the card i made previously and 2 more i made within this colour spectrum.

here they are individually....

I then decided to try them out in a cool colour range - for people who arent so keen on bright colours.

Maybe these could be used for guys aswell - though are still rather feminine in design (i think its the flowers!!)

This next one is a one off as i dont have any other card in these colours - but it still works - i mean, you wold only see one at a time anyway so the receiver wouldnt know that there are other colour ways....

Someone kindly pointed out to me that mothers day here in sweden is actually the 25th of this month, so i have some more time to come up with another design to get out there in time. Only problem is that they also informed me that they dont really celebrate it here - i will just have to change that!!!!
Other news - am awaitng the arrival of the embossing powder today from england for the wedding invitations im making. Bought a heat gun yesterday and cant wait to get started. The colours that they finally decided upon are dark red, silver, and champagne cream - fingers crossed i can just to the writing tidy enough!!!!!! oh and waiting for the shop i bought the stamps off to get back in touch - they sent me the wrong hearts and so are having to order them again!!! argh!!!!! i wanted to get done by the end of this week!!!!!
Also we have go ahead on the curtains - so am off to buy the material for that today!! by the looks of things they should be really cool and look fab! will post piccies soon!
Have also got another guy lined up for a suit - eeek!!!! i find them the hardest!
Bye for now!!!!
new cards for spring events
Have next to finished the ladies denim jacket (the one i kept getting pointy boobs on!)
Am now doing some wedding invitations and starting a curtain project.
In the mean time I am making some cards for mothers day (here in sweden this sunday) and fathers day (uk about 15th june time)
Here is a quick piccie of the one ive just done for mothers day. I havent written the text in yet.

If you have any ideas of what items would look nice on a mothers day (or fathers day) card please let me know!
OOOOoooooooo....its soo pretty!
Now all i need is to buy the die cut things to use with it! hmmmm i knew there was a con in there somewhere!! he he, no just joking, in the long run if the card thing takes off then it will prove to be very valuable to be able to make the cards quicker......
heres to the cards having to take off now!!!
(will pop piccies on soon...)
Here is a piccie....

oooo and a very cheesy american video about it!!!
eeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lord im sad!) i love it!!!!
New card designs.....

So these are some new variations on the cupcake theme that I showed on here earlier - they are in plastic coverings to help keep them clean..

two 'male' versions

I wanted to make some 'birthday' themed cards, and after using the larger square on the 85th card, i thought id try this out again......and i like the effect! The first 2 are 'female' and the last 2 'male'....

Have been trying to come up with a female version of the 'happy retirement' card, but cant think of anything that the woman might do when she has retired - so i decided in the mean time to do a 'female' cutting tie card.....not too sure about this one....

So far the baby cards I have made have been for a new baby girl - this weekend I made the boy versions...

the blue baby bottle...

The blue baby carriage - i changed the pink one aswell so that the backing card is pink and not silver like before - i think it works better....
So yeah, these are the new cards! Am starting today on the wedding card designs and shall keep you posted on how these are turning out...... plus am going to start back on the jacket and curtains (have been naughty and not touched them the last week for working on the dress took up soo much of my time....)
Please comment and let me know your thoughts on the designs and if you have any ideas (especially for the female retirement!) for some new ones....
Take care
The card making process
I have been making quite a few cards this weekend due to a big order, so i thought it would be quite good to show the process and to see how you can really achieve everything yourself.......
So it all starts off choosing the theme of the card and what colour scheme you want it to have. All my cards have a kind of set layout at the moment and so this is the usual starting block for me. Make sure you are using a really good strong glue - if you are giving these cards to other people you dont want them falling apart on them!
Although there are some really lovely papers out there and ready made items to attach, I like to make my own from scratch : no chance then of them ending up looking like somebody elses! Plus i think it adds a special something extra as as they say with cooking - make something with love and it is simply better......... or something like that! So here are the magical scissors that i have got - they cut the edges of the paper to the shape you can see on the side of the blade - you can buy many different pattern cutting pairs, but I find that personally these ones have done me fine......though never say never!!!
So for this card I want it to be quite soft and sensitive. Think about the shapes you are using and the desired effect you want, and make sure the 2 match....for example,if you look at my other cards, when i make cards designed for men, I usually keep to straight lines at the edges of the paper, and no the frilly looking patterns like here....
One thing I also like to do with my cards is attach some corugated card in the middle to act as i kind of plinth to raise the detail in the middle. I feel it helps centralise the viewers focus - plus it is good to have almost a trade mark look so if your cards or whatever start getting popular, then people can spot them from the rest.
Here is a good example of how you can achieve these items yourself and do not need to buy them....I have made this cross quite simply out of cutting the card with the pattern edging scissors - it gives a lovely effect and saved me about 20:- (about £1.20 say)....
I also use sticky pads to raise my central features even further, thus creating a lovely 3d effect.
Add a finishing touch of a rose (ok so i bought this! ;-) ) And think of a nice simple statement to write on the front. Now you can see why I chose these certain colours and effects. Another neat trick is not to use black ink all the time. It is very stark against the white back ground - so by using another colour you get a more asthetic appeal. But dont go too soft in colour or too light, you do need to be able to read the saying!
So this is how I make up my cards...The majority of the time spent is coming up with a nice composition. Dont stick things down straight away - move things about, try out different colours, paper types, etc - and try to get somebody elses opinion (my poor boyf is constantly getting badgered by me for his thoughts!) - remember, it isnt yourself who is necessarily going to be using the card! you have to be able to make them appeal to different tastes......
Any other questions or thoughts please do leave me a comment (in the kommentarer bit for the non swedish speaking of you reading this)...
Take care and happy crafting!
Another card.....

the lighting in this flat is awful!! this is it by flash, and now day light (aka windowsill!)

she wanted something along the lines of the other ones i have made - but nothing with any alcohol related items on it as the mother doesnt drink.....
I decided to go for something semi formal/traditional, but still with my style of work..... what do you think?
possible new card project...
will keep you posted......
Yummy new material...

Am thinking about attaching them like the other circle cards i did with the sewing machine....

Plus am going to buy some brightly coloured threads to sew with to really set them off/out. Plus again, going to have a mess about with different edging effects, see what works best....
Will keep you posted on how they come out...
Some more card designs!

thought id try some more tongue-in-cheek designs!.....nothing too racey, but something not so sweet!

and so much for all the tidying up i did yesterday!!!

oh yeah, the card to go with it...
ive done it so it comes in different colours...

thought id go for something fun and 'arty' looking, so to speak....

eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! day of the interview!
hopefully too by putting my email on the back of the cards, people will be wanting to order directly from me...!!! fingers crossed!
thinking about putting this address on there aswell, then people can come on and view the images and cards that i am developing straight away....hmmm......
im going to try and link up the new order form i made to show what it looks like, not done this before so not sure if it will work......
here goes....

ok so didnt work how i planned, i was trying to link it up via a html thingy, but here it is as a piccie......
right am off now to go and get ready some more......oooo im all tingly with nerves and excitment!
wish me luck!!!!!
more pressies and cards...!!!
it is my grandads bday tomorrow so i made and sent him a card....rather hard as what do you put on a card for a grandad!
here is what i did....

Turned out to be one of my most favourite ones to date i think!!!
........It was also mothers day not long ago in the uk , and having sent my mum a card, i now need to give her a pressie.....Her and my dad are coming over to visit me and nik this weekend!! eeeekkkk!!! i cant wait!
i decided to go along with what i made nik for our anniversary, but this time id do it in the colours of my mums bedroom, and try and style it for her - feminine but not overly...
the results

the lighting is pretty crap on these as its getting dark now and the flash just kept reflecting on the can get the jist of it though.....
So ive been rather busy today then....going to have a break now and go for a run, then try again some more later...i want to get some lovely designs ready for my interview next week...
Bye for now..

some more experiments.......

this is for a friend who is going to have a baby boy any day now. Am liking the idea but im not too sure about it for some reason. Cant quite put my finger on it. Maybe it is because i am so used to making quite simple cards - i think this is the first one that ive made where nearly the entire card front is covered....hmm...
been developing the simple sewing cards aswell.....

as it became accurrent, sewing such small circles was rather tricky..... plus i think i need to plan out the order in which i sew thing abit better so that i dont have to make swerves like you can see with the blue thread....
Here are some other images of the cards i normally do....

This last one doesnt photograph very well and looks rather random, but in real life it really works together.
....SO im going to go and have a play around again now...Am hopefully finishing the suit today as i managed to pin the shoulders on in the correct positions.....eek! i cant believe im going to have a suit finished! all i need now is some other people to order them!.....fingers crossed!!! or should i say, hold your thumbs!

The cards
Here are some piccies of the ones ive done so far

these 2 are along the lines of the ones ive always done - some kind of cut out imagery in the middle of layered boxes. Now these are some new ones that ive come up with today...

quite simple, but i think rather effective....????hmmm.......
Going to try selling them again, though trying to find places here in stockholm is going to be abit hard i think...any suggestions are most welcome!!!
Im thinking about developin this idea further and bringing in the wire work that i do, along with some beads etc...brains ticking away again! hop to it...
bye for now